Suzan Sittig AiO Flow Studio

Suzan Sittig

Yoga & Ballet

My aim is to help unlock your authentic expression and to encourage a greater sense of fluidity and freedom in movement as well as the way you show up in life. The power of Yoga lies in the understanding of how to translate it into life, off the mat.
As a classically trained Ballet dancer, I learned to move and use my body in a very disciplined way. Yoga has helped me to discover a greater sense of expression in movement as well as cultivate a healthier relationship with my body, mind, and soul.
I trained at the Royal Ballet School for 6 years and danced professionally at the Vienna State Opera for 10 years. I completed my 200 hours in Bali with a focus on Hathaway, Vinyasa, and Yin.  I also completed an additional 30 hours of Anatomy which hints towards my appreciation for scientific-based theory and practice.  I am interested in the amalgamation of a scientific and holistic approach and how we can creatively embody scientifically supported methods toward a greater sense of well-being.
Yoga is the journey of getting to know your authentic self.

Her motto: The best journey is the one of self-discovery.

Suzan Sittig AiO Flow Studio
Suzan Sittig AiO Flow Studio

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