Jamal Abale

Hip Hop & Afro Dance

I am by name of Abale Jamali a.k.a man with the scarf from Uganda East African region currently living in Vienna, Austria. Founder of Compassion Dance Crew my former crew in Uganda and now a member of Crew la Creme in Vienna. Worked with theatre company’s Keiga dance company accomplishing a theatre piece in 2020.

I am a passionate and enthusiastic dance artist who shares mainly dances with roots from my indigenous background integrated with an accent of urban styles such as Afro-contemporary, House dance, hip-hop, and breaking.

My inspiration to dance is Love and joy. When we allow freedom to our bodies through movement to rhythm we produce a beautiful energy that elevates vibes of the surrounding through body language. Dance is therapy. It is freedom. It is so much more.

Cheers To your journey.

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