Blanka Moryc

She is a dancer, musician, and yoga teacher. Her Motto shows what she loves about dancing and Yoga practice. As a teacher and performer, she is the most fascinated by sharing group flow and bright energy that can raise up your whole being soft. Every style of yoga is in her heart, currently, Ashtanga is the winner in her practice. Eastern cultures and martial arts are a large portion of her inspiration. Her yoga lessons are dedicated to those who want to restore energy through strong, deep, and peaceful practice. In her class, you will always learn breathing techniques and rest in a long relaxation. Blanka also enjoys aromatherapy during classes using sprays with pure essential oils.
Blanka is a type of multidimensional artist. Long story short, she started as a gymnast, went through 20 years of professional music education, landed on design studies for 1 year, and finished as a dancer, musician yoga teacher, and kirtan master.
She started her Yoga journey as a 6-year-old girl. She used to accompany her mum in weekly classes led by the oldest Polish yogi Czesław Beer. 
In 2021 she became an international Yoga teacher after Sivananda TTC. Blanka is a Bachelor of two specializations at K. Szymanowski Music Academy: actress of dance theatre and a pedagog of rhythm and music in the method of Dalcroze’s Eurhythmics.
Currently, she lives in Vienna & is cannot wait to share her experiences in AIO FLOW Studio.
Her Motto: Everything is born of vibration(motion) & always flows. Nothing is constant.

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